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Welcome to Podquiz

PodQuiz is a weekly trivia quiz podcast. Each week there are twenty questions, some music as an interlude, followed by the answers. Get your Friday fix of trivia every week!

Anyone wishing to keep score, or play amongst friends or family, might find the PodQuiz answer sheet useful.

PodQuiz 1033

pq1033.mp3 12:51

This week's rounds are Music (Annual Anthems), George Lucas Films, Cartoon Characters, and Places.
The music is Frog In The Well from Lucas Gonze.

Comment on this quiz (11)
2025-01-17 00:05

PodQuiz 1032

pq1032.mp3 14:56

This week's rounds are Music (Musicals), Bob Dylan, TV Towns (Quickfire), and 40 (with guest host Jay).
The music is Blue Dot Sessions, with a song called Symphony 40 In G Minor.

Comment on this quiz (11)
2025-01-10 00:05

PodQuiz 1031

pq1031.mp3 15:13

This week's rounds are Music (Connections), The Nile, Famous Voices and the Natural World.
The music is The Rope River Blues Band, with Weatherman.

Comment on this quiz (13)
2025-01-03 00:05

PodQuiz 1030

pq1030.mp3 15:00

This week's rounds are Music (Covers), 2024, Mononyms (Quickfire), Who Am I? and a Prize Round.
Prize Round Picture Question:
Which German athletic apparel and footwear corporation is the second largest in the world after Nike?
Which company?

Comment on this quiz (15)
2024-12-27 00:05

PodQuiz 1029

pq1029.mp3 14:48

This week's rounds are Music (Tin Whistle Woes), Reindeer, Languages, and Art.
The music is Nexto, with Show Some Love (It's Christmas).

Comment on this quiz (17)
2024-12-20 00:05

PodQuiz 1028

pq1028.mp3 13:37

This week's rounds are Music (Themes), Movie Buildings, Cakes (Quickfire), and In Which Year?
The music is Sic Alps, with Brill Building.

Comment on this quiz (12)
2024-12-13 00:05

PodQuiz 1027

pq1027.mp3 13:43

This week's rounds are Music (Odd One Out), French Cuisine, Old News, and Literature.
The music is Food Coma by Best Friends!.

Comment on this quiz (16)
2024-12-06 00:05

PodQuiz 1026

pq1026.mp3 15:32

This week's rounds are Music (Singerless Songs), Mirrors, James Bond Themes (Quickfire), and Geography.
The music is Silence Is Sexy, with a song called You Are A Mirror.

Comment on this quiz (13)
2024-11-29 00:05

PodQuiz 1025

pq1025.mp3 16:04

This week's rounds are Music (Annual Anthems), Leonardo DiCaprio, Television, and Food and Drink.
The music is Titanic by Michael Chapman & The Woodpiles.

Comment on this quiz (13)
2024-11-22 00:05

PodQuiz 1024

pq1024.mp3 17:34

This week's rounds are Music (with guest host Jon of the Quiz Cupboard podcast), Powers of 2, Painting Origins (Quickfire), and Anagrams.
The music is from Cullah with a song called 1024^8.

Comment on this quiz (15)
2024-11-15 00:05